Jitħabbar ir-rebbieħ tal-kompetizzjoni ta’ matul il-Freshers’ Week

Is-Sur Benjamin Vassallo kien ir-rebbieħ tat-tablet Samsung. It-tablet ġiet ippreżentata lilu mis-Segretarju Ġenerali tal-UĦM, is-Sur Josef Vella fil-preżenza tal-President tal-UĦM Youths, is-Sur Gian Paul Gauci. Il-UĦM tixtieq tirringrazzja in-numru sabiħ ta’ studenti li pparteċipaw fil-kompetizzjoni. Din it-tablet ġiet ġentilement sponsorjata mid-ditta Sound Machine, aġenti tas-Samsung f’Malta. Ara wkoll: http://www.uhm.org.mt/il-uhm-bi-stand-matul-il-freshers-week/



B’niket inħabbru l-mewt tas-Sur Alfred Balzan, missier Edwin Balzan, il- Vici-President tal-UĦM li ġrat nhar is-Sibt 20 ta’ Settembru 2014.

Joint Statement: Association of Podiatrists of Malta (APM) and Union Haddiema Maqghudin (UHM)

UHM-New-logo (1)APM Logo Refined Version



Compromised patient service due to the lack of equipment and health & safety practices in hospital, community and primary care settings

Both UHM and APM through a joint statement would like to notify the public that due to long standing critical issues including lack of instruments in specific health centers and compromised health & safety for both patients and clinicians, the union has issued a preventive measure so that toe- nail care services offered by Podiatrists in clinical and hospital settings are stopped with immediate effect on grounds of health & safety.