Illum il-UĦM b’unur laqgħet fil-kwartieri ġenerali lill-Eċċellenza Tagħha, l-President ta’ Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.
Category: News
First collective agreement signed for WasteServ employees
Paramedic Aides given the cold shoulder by the Ministry for Energy and Health
The Health Section within UĦM will, from Monday 24th November 2014, order industrial actions to all Paramedic Aides.
Reazzjoni dwar il-Baġit 2015 mill-UĦM
Waqt li l-UĦM tinnota li l-previżżjonijiet ta’ tkabbir ekonomiku bir-rata ta’ 3.5% jidru posittivi, il-UĦM tisħaq dwar l-importanza illi l-miri ekonomiċi għandhom ikunu milħuqa u mhux jibqgħu BISS miri.
Equip yourself to participate in social dialogue, negotiations and policy development thanks to the Voice of the Workers Project – ESF 4.221 DEADLINE EXTENDED
The deadline for applications for the training on social dialogue for Maltese workers – online is extended
Health care profession graduates ‘left in the dark’ over future jobs, UHM does not exclude action
Il-UĦM tikkundanna kull vjolenza.
Il-UĦM tikkundanna bla riservi l-attakk li sar fuq ir-residenza tal-Ispettur Geoffrey Azzopardi.
Il-UĦM u l-Caritas jiffirmaw il-Ftehim Kollettiv.
It-Taqsima Edukazzjoni u Kura tal-Union Ħaddiema Maqgħudin (UĦM) u l-Caritas iffirmaw il-Ftehim Kollettiv tal-ħaddiema li jaħdmu l-Caritas.
Il-UĦM tiddeplora b’saħħa l-Prekarjat.
Il-UĦM tikkundana kull tip ta’ prekarjat u sfruttament tal-ħaddiema.
Equip yourself to participate in social dialogue, negotiations and policy development thanks to the Voice of the Workers Project – ESF 4.221
Applications are now open for the training on social dialogue for Maltese workers – online
Two courses are being offered, namely the Bipartite Social Dialogue and the Tripartite Social Dialogue that
you can attend comfortably from your desk
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